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Hyaluronic Acid Knee Injection: Procedure and Clinic Journey

Medical advancements have paved the way for innovative treatments to restore mobility and relieve pain when combating knee osteoarthritis's challenges. One such treatment is the intra-articular injection of hyaluronic acid, a gel-like fluid that is a natural lubricant and shock absorber within our joints.

As people with osteoarthritis often exhibit lower concentrations of hyaluronic acid in their affected joints, injecting this substance directly into the knee joint can enhance movement and alleviate discomfort.

Step-by-Step Procedure for Hyaluronic Acid Injection in the Knee:

  1. The positioning of the patient during the hyaluronic acid injection procedure depends on the doctor's preferred approach to accessing the knee capsule. Typically, the patient can lie on their back with the knee extended or sit upright with the knee flexed. The chosen position allows the doctor to effectively insert the needle and administer the injection, ensuring optimal accuracy and comfort for the patient.

  2. To minimize the chances of infection, the knee region will undergo a comprehensive cleansing process using an antiseptic solution.

  3. Before administering the injection, the doctor will request that you relax your knee and leg muscles. This step is essential for ensuring accuracy during the injection process and minimizing discomfort for the patient.

  4. A local anesthetic such as lidocaine will be administered to ensure your comfort during the knee injection procedure. This anesthetic aims to numb the area, ensuring that you do not experience any pain or discomfort during the injection.

  5. Prior to the injection, the doctor may conduct a joint aspiration procedure. This process involves removing excess fluid from the joint, creating space for injecting the therapeutic liquid. Aspirating the extra fluid increases the concentration of hyaluronic acid in the joint, improving its efficacy in treating the underlying problem.

  6. To ensure optimal accuracy during the administration of the gel knee injection, the doctor may utilize imaging tools such as ultrasound or fluoroscopy. These imaging techniques provide real-time visualization of the knee joint, allowing the doctor to guide the injection needle to the intended target area precisely.

  7. Once the knee area is adequately prepared and numbed, the doctor will carefully insert a thin needle into the joint capsule. Hyaluronic acid, naturally found in the synovial fluid, is injected directly into the joint. The exact dosage and number of injections may vary depending on your condition and the doctor's recommendation.

  8. Following the injection, the doctor will clean the injected area to maintain hygiene and minimize the risk of infection. Once thoroughly cleansed, a bandage will be applied to protect the site and provide support. This bandage helps to keep the area clean and secure, promoting proper healing and preventing any external contaminants from entering the injection site.

  9. Following the injection, the patient will be instructed to perform a series of knee movements, including straightening and bending. These movements help spread the injected material throughout the knee joint.

Overall Clinic Journey For Gel Knee Injection Treatments

Before you embark on gel knee injection treatment, it is crucial to have a clear understanding of what to expect. Managing expectations play a significant role in ensuring a positive and successful treatment journey. By familiarizing yourself with the following key points, you can confidently approach the treatment and make informed decisions about your knee health.

  1. Initial Assessment and Diagnosis: Before considering hyaluronic acid injection, it is crucial to consult with a doctor specializing in orthopedics or physical therapy. They will evaluate your knee condition, assess the severity of osteoarthritis, and determine if you are a suitable candidate for this treatment. They may request X-rays or other imaging tests to understand the extent of joint damage better.

  2. Pre-Injection Preparations: Once you and your doctor decide to proceed with hyaluronic acid injection, preparatory steps will be taken. This may include discontinuing certain medications, such as blood thinners, to minimize the risk of bleeding during the procedure. You may also be advised to avoid eating or drinking for a few hours before the injection.

  3. Post-Injection Recovery: You will be monitored briefly after the injection to ensure no immediate complications. You may experience mild discomfort or swelling around the injection site, but these symptoms usually subside within a few days. Applying ice packs and taking over-the-counter pain relievers, as recommended by your doctor, can help manage these temporary side effects.


Following the hyaluronic acid injection, your doctor will provide specific guidelines for post-therapy care. It is essential to follow these instructions diligently to maximize the benefits of the treatment and minimize potential complications. Some common recommendations include:

  1. Rest and Limited Activity: You may be advised to rest the treated knee and limit strenuous activities for 24 hours. This will allow the hyaluronic acid to integrate into the joint and promote healing.

  2. Physical Therapy: To further enhance the effectiveness of the hyaluronic acid injection, your doctor may recommend physical therapy. This can include exercises and stretches to improve knee strength, flexibility, and range of motion. Physical therapy can also help address muscle imbalances or biomechanical issues contributing to knee osteoarthritis.

  3. Follow-Up Assessments: Regular follow-up assessments with your doctor are essential to monitor your progress and make any necessary adjustments to your treatment plan. These appointments will allow your doctor to evaluate the effectiveness of the hyaluronic acid injection and determine if any further interventions are required.

This innovative treatment can contribute to managing knee osteoarthritis and restoring your mobility and comfort through proper assessment, careful administration, and adherence to post-therapy care.

Gel Knee Injections in Lincoln, NE

Are you seeking a comprehensive and practical approach to managing knee osteoarthritis within Lincoln, Nebraska? Look no further than Catalyst Health Clinic. With our proven three-pronged approach, we have achieved an impressive 85% success rate with our knee injection procedures. Our commitment to your well-being goes beyond just injections and physical therapy. We understand the importance of providing home care remedies that extend the healing process beyond the clinical setting.

At Catalyst Health Clinic, we go the extra mile by providing each patient with a custom unloading brace. This specially designed brace is tailored to your unique needs, reducing pressure on the knee and knee capsule cartilage.

Contact us at 531-500-3259 to schedule your consultation. Together, we can make a lasting impact on your knee health and overall well-being.


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